A healthy diet can affect more than just our waistline—in fact; it’s great for our teeth! Eating right and making sure to get your recommended amount of calcium, vitamins and veggies can help keep your mouth healthy for years to come.
(+02)5910692 - 0101 707 1453
11 Ahmed Kamha street,Ibrahimya , BabSahrq
Alexandria - Egypt
05:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Saturday to Thursday
A healthy diet can affect more than just our waistline—in fact; it’s great for our teeth! Eating right and making sure to get your recommended amount of calcium, vitamins and veggies can help keep your mouth healthy for years to come.
If you teach proper oral health techniques from a young age, chances are your child will grow up to continue taking care of their teeth for the long term.
When they’re old enough to brush their teeth on their own, begin by setting a timer so they know how long they need to brush for.
If you or your child regularly participates in sports that risk damage to the teeth like hockey or football, make sure to have a mouth guard handy to protect your pearly whites.
If you’ve purchased your mouth guard from a shop, be sure to properly mould it to your teeth before wearing it for optimal protection.
Smoking cigarettes can wreak havoc on our oral health. From raising your risk of developing certain kinds of cancers to creating a breeding ground for plaque and bacteria, saying “no” to tobacco products is always the smart decision for your teeth.
Did you know that you should be swapping your toothbrush for a new one every three months? That’s because with age and use, the bristles of your toothbrush become worn and more susceptible to bacteria.